A photo says thousands of words in one say, And yes it is undoubtedly true when you show your customers pictures of your shop, your work, it is a lost opportunity to overlook your hard work. As people say, the First impression is the last impression.
We always wish to have every page unique, attractive, and more than that ranking on SERP for the topmost position. It would be best to manage your branding and reputation to make it work with hard sweat. Not literally sweat but an engaging and relevant page surely catch the eyes of many.
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Importance Of Visual Representation
Suppose you are accused of overlooking the importance of Google Business Profile (Old Name Google My Business) images in the name of only reviews and local search positions. In that case, you mustn’t lose bridle on your Google Business Profile photos.
Humans are creatures dependent nearly up to 30% on visual information in daily life, and an average of 65% of us flocks are visual learners. Not only but some studies suggest that more than 60% of businesses and Marketers depend upon visual information and images.
That satisfies one’s doubt about using local images in Google Business Profile. Although most customers believe what is in the picture is the truth. And almost 60% of them look forward to buying the product.
Images have always been an essential factor in CTR rates, and Google knows it better than anyone else. Nowadays, you will never see an email, social media post, or blog post without attractive infographics, illustrations, and images.
Google Business Profile has a prosperity of illustrated features, which should make it straightforward to show your company in the best feasible dawn. However, no matter how you look, uploading the right image at the right place is a highly delicate job, and can’t be done with ease.
Google Business Profile Visual Features
When you verify your listing, several visual features of GBP are enabled. This platform allows you to use and upload images related to your business and profile, posts, or you can also upload videos of your work.
Additionally, as per the new features of GBP, you can upload 360-degree local photos and a virtual video tour for a better user experience. As we know the rule, the more quality you add the better chances you have. But literally, there is nothing you can do to control your public image via user experience generated content, which means the user can also upload the local photos of your businesses, but you can not prevent them.
However, there is always some solution to each problem; similarly, if you feel like the user has uploaded inappropriate images, you have the option to flag them up and request to remove them. Google also suggests uploading several types of images related to your business. As a rule, you can follow these suggestions.
Exterior images
Are essential to identify the location of the picture. Hence one should upload at least three different times of the day images from the standard angle to make a strong impression.
Interior images
would be a great deal to give a direct message of professionalism, and hard work minimum of three images are recommended.
You can upload some images of the most popular product or service you sell from the catalogue. Or bars, restaurants, and cafes can add their most prominent item from the menu. And for hotels, pics of rooms can do the work.
An image of reception can tell them about the active customer service, or any common area will do the thing.
Many GBP SEO experts recommend three management and Team photos to build trust and faith with customers.
But how do upload photos on your google business profile? That question remains, then let’s look into deep uploading the GBP photos in seconds.
How to Upload Photos On Google Business Profile
First, you need to handle the cover photo because of its importance. Cover Photo escorts your Google Business Profile listing, and then you have to look up the profile image, which has to be a unique one, then the cover pic.
After this, you need to upload images for each category appropriate to you. Certainly, exterior, interior, and management photos should be uploaded while accompanying them. To Upload Photos in Bulk Quantity in GBP You can use GMB Briefcase This tool provides the bulk image upload feature, which does this process quicker than uploading individually.
Google Business Profile Local Image Suggestions
The Recommended Ratio
We all know that ratio means what (Ratio implies the relation of height to width). Except for the business’s cover image, all other photos are square, and thus you need to select a 1:1 ratio of width to height images only.
The Local Image Size, which will be best?
Google Business Profile permits the user to upload the size image between 250x250px to 10000×10000 px. However, not always HD images are suitable for business 720x720px size. For most the Local SEO experts, the standard size of an image is for Google Business Profile.
And do not forget that you can upload your profile photo to upload in PNG format. Otherwise, we can upload JPEG images anywhere around the Google Business Profile account.
You may be aware that Google always aims to be close to the real-world experience and no exception here as well, Sure edited and filtered photos enhance the beauty of pics. However, Google does not like them; They also reject the images on which text is written or edited so it will be best to upload unalerted and authentic images.
And there you have it. You have just nailed Google Business Profile local photos, follow us for some other best of the best tips and tricks to rank for local SEO with White Hat SEO Practices similar to this one local Photo practices
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I am the founder of Citation Builder Pro. I have been in the SEO and content marketing industry for 15 years and have a lot of experience in public relations and online marketing.
I started Citation Builder Bro to help businesses of all sizes create high-quality citations for their websites. My team and I are dedicated to providing our clients with the best possible services.