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Compare Multiple GMB Listings

The most comprehensive Google My Business Listing comparison available on the market today, our expertly designed system lets you see how each location of your business is performing on Google.


No two locations have the same customer response or engagement from search results. Increase business at each location separately by catering to the needs of the area, which then grows your business as whole!

Actions On Listing

  • Click On Visit Website – How many visitors click on “Visit Website”.
  • Click On Request Direction –How many visitors click on “Direction Request”.
  • Click On Call –  How many visitors click on “Call” button.

Direct Vs InDirect Traffic

  • Direct – Number of times your listing has shown when people are searching for your business by name or location.
  • InDirect – Number of times your listing has shown when people are searching generic categories and see your listing (plumber in nyc, dentist near dallas etc).

Listing Views Search Vs Maps

Listing Views On Google Search – The total number of views your GMB listing gets, on the Google Search includes, Direct as well as indirect traffic.

Listing Views On Google Map – The total number of views your GMB listing gets, on the Google Maps includes, Direct as well as indirect traffic.

Citation Details

  • Active Citations – The number of citations which are indexed by search engines. 
  • Pending Citations – The number of citations which are build by us and waiting to get listing live.
  • Potential Citations – The number of citations where we can list our business such as Niche Specific, Geo-Specific, General Citation Directories and Unstructured citation sources like web20, blogs, PR sites, Forum, etc sites

Other Features

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Compare Multiple GMB Listings The most comprehensive Google My Business Listing comparison available on the market today,  …

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